Synopsis: Alma and Alex, two teenage sisters, are survivors of a catastrophic event. They live deep in the woods with their mother, a strict, overprotective woman who has sheltered them from ominous presences, the Shadows, which live in the daylight and infest the world beyond the river. When they follow their mother out for hunting, Alma and Alex start a series of events which will make them discover the truth about the Shadows and their own reality.
Directed by: Carlo Lavagna
Written by: Damiano Bruè, Fabio Mollo, Vanessa Picciarelli and Tiziana Triana
Starring: Mia Threapleton, Lola Petticrew and Saskia Reeves
Genre: Thriller
Category: Apocalypse / Psychological
Country: Italy / Ireland
Language: English
- Ascent Film
- Feline Films
- Rai Cinema
- Sky Cinema
- Screen Ireland
- Red Water Entertainment
Official Trailer: