Synopsis: Three brothers embark on a daring and unconventional quest, constructing a unique time machine with a single purpose: to resurrect their long-dead mother. Their plan is fraught with peril, but their determination knows no bounds. However, their already fragile endeavor takes a turn for the worse when their delusional father re-enters their lives. His unpredictable presence triggers a cascade of chaotic events, sending their experiments spiraling out of control. What follows is a descent into a surreal, psychedelic hellscape where the boundaries of reality blur and shatter.
Directed by: Yannis Veslemes
Written by: Dimitris Emmanouilidis and Yannis Veslemes
Starring: Panos Papadopoulos, Julio Katsis and Dominique Pinon
Genre: Horror / Science Fiction / Comedy / Thriller
Category: Foreign / Psychological / Supernatural
Country: France / Greece
Language: French / Greek
Main Cast:
- Alexia Kaltsiki
- Aris Balis
- Dominique Pinon
- Julio Katsis
- Panos Papadopoulos
- Sandra Abuelghanam
- Blonde Audiovisual Productions
- Ekome
- Faliro House Productions
- Greek Film Centre (GFC)
- Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT)
- Rumble Fish Productions
- Timpson Films
Sales Rep:
- Yellow Veil Pictures
Release Date:
- To be confirmed
Official Teaser:
External Links:
Critics’ Reviews:
- Not yet available