Slaughter Beach (2022)


Slaughter Beach (2022) PosterSynopsis: Ralph and Barry strive to become their beach town’s greatest heroes, but they must track down a vicious serial killer on the loose before anyone takes them seriously.

Directed by: Daniel C. Davis

Written by: Daniel C. Davis

Starring: Jon McKoy, Ethan Han and Jim Cannatelli

Genre: Horror / Comedy

Category: Slasher

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Amy Lynn Patton
  • Ben Janocha
  • Brock Vickers
  • Christopher Reinig
  • Erich Rolli
  • Ethan Han
  • Heather Street
  • Jaysen Smith
  • Jeanette Pacifico
  • Jim Cannatelli
  • Jon McKoy
  • Kiyneeanay Dykes
  • Mark McCaffery
  • Michelle Quenzel
  • Oscar Aguilar
  • Rob McNeal Jr.
  • Shawn Shillingford


  • Clockout Films

Official Trailer:

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