Synopsis: A self obsessed social media celebrity couple camp out in the Adelaide Hills on Christmas Eve only to stumble onto a community hiding a secret tradition to protect the 25th of December.
Directed by: Mathew J. Wilkinson
Written by: Mathew J. Wilkinson
Starring: Kathleen Halligan Daniel Moody and Isabella Robinson
Genre: Horror / Comedy
Category: Slasher
Country: Australia
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Adam Bullmore
- Ann Robinson
- Ariel Dzino
- Daniel Moody
- Georgia Williams
- Isabella Robinson
- Janet Wilkinson
- Josh Talbot-Smith
- Kathleen Halligan
- Kayla Ursini
- Keith Betts
- Marcello D’Onofrio
- Mark Thurston
- Nicola Tiele
- Ognjen Trisic
- Robwil Productions
- Bounty Films
Official Trailer: