Survivor’s Choice (2022)


Survivor's Choice (2022) PosterSynopsis: Fooled by a cash prize ploy, three members of an addictions anonymous support group are tricked into participating in a series of escape rooms, only to realize that the rooms they find themselves in reflect on their pasts and have deadly consequences.

Directed by: David Clair-Bennett

Written by: David Clair-Bennett and Sarah Ooten

Starring: Eric Roberts, Sarah Ooten and Dan Pena

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Category: Survival

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Amanda Clair
  • Dan Pena
  • David Clair-Bennett
  • Eric Roberts
  • Gavin Peretti
  • Geovonna Casanova
  • Jon meggison
  • Mandy Carey
  • Michael Ochotorena
  • Phyllis Winner
  • Russell Ketterman
  • Sarah Ooten
  • Tracy Fisher
  • Traea LaRae
  • Whitney Nicole O’Haver


  • Clear View Pictures Entertainment

Official Teaser:

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