Synopsis: Episodic stories include an engineer circling a black hole in a pod, a fourteen-year-old girl and her father on the return journey to earth when an explosion cripples their aircraft, and a self-conscious Artificial Intelligence goes to the 4th dimension to fix humans’ future.
Directed by: Damon Duncan, William Hellmuth, Susie Jones and Lin Sun
Written by: Susie Jones, Lin Sun, J. Scott Worthington and Jiao Xu
Starring: Rachel House, Jacqueline Joe and Jiao Xu
Genre: Science Fiction / Action / Drama
Category: Anthology / Apocalypse
Country: United States
Language: English
Original Title: Episodes From Apocalypse
Main Cast:
- Arthur Roberts
- Harlan Groom
- Jacqueline Joe
- James Luck
- Jefferson Ellis
- Jiao Xu
- John Henry Richardson
- Katie Simmons
- Levi Payne
- Lila Guimarães
- Matthew Sunderland
- Rachel House
- Steph Barkley
- Thomas Wilson Brown
- Wendy-Seme Orleans
- Brotherhood Studios
- Uncork’d Entertainment
Release Date:
- July 4, 2023
Official Trailer: