Synopsis: Despite trying to leave behind his life of crime, Danny reluctantly teams with naive rich kid Liam and wildcard drug dealer Kit Viper for a robbery that leaves them in possession of an ancient ceremonial garment which holds immense power. Once its power is known, the fighting begins, and the word quickly spreads among the crime world. Meanwhile, a shadowy cult is hunting for the garment and will stop at nothing to get it.
Directed by: Nick Snow
Written by: Brooks Russell and Nick Snow
Starring: Grant Lancaster, Richard Templeton and Brooks Russell
Genre: Horror / Thriller / Crime
Category: Supernatural
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Brad Stuart
- Bristol Pomeroy
- Brooks Russell
- Corey Scott Rutledge
- Donald Paul
- Godfrey J. Rayner
- Grant Lancaster
- Michael Dale
- Richard Templeton
- Roberto Serrini
- Samantha Aneson
- Victor Verhaeghe
- Dashford Media
- Porter + Craig Film & Media Distribution
Official Trailer: