The Darkness Outside (2022)


Synopsis: One night, eight-year-old Briana vanishes from her bedroom without a trace. Her aunt Madeline and others involved in the ensuing search fall into harm’s way as the mysterious forces behind Briana’s disappearance are revealed.

Directed by: Ryan Callaway

Written by: Ryan Callaway

Starring: Breanna Engle, Haley Walter and Jenna Elise

Genre: Horror

Category: Supernatural

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Breanna Engle
  • Briana Aceti
  • Brianna Hauser
  • Haley Walter
  • Hannah Brahney
  • Hiram Ortiz
  • Jenna Elise
  • Macy Rubin
  • Meghan Lovelace
  • Robert Nicholson
  • Ryan Callaway
  • Saulo Guimaraes
  • Tiffany Browne-Tavarez


  • Shady Dawn Pictures


Official Trailer:

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