Synopsis: Jess, a resilient young single mother, arrives on a secluded island to participate in “Love At Last”, the nation’s top-rated dating show. What begins as a quest for romance quickly spirals into a harrowing fight for survival. As Jess competes, she uncovers a chilling truth: a mysterious killer is systematically eliminating contestants, all while the cameras continue to roll. Navigating through a web of deceit spun by two-faced beauty queens and manipulative producers, Jess must rely on her wits and instincts to stay alive. With each passing day, the island’s paradise turns into a nightmare. As tensions rise and trust erodes, Jess finds herself in a deadly game where every move could be her last. Caught in a relentless battle against an unseen predator, Jess’s determination to survive is matched only by her drive to protect the life she’s built for herself and her child. In a race against time, she must unmask the killer before becoming the next victim, turning a search for love into an ultimate fight for freedom and survival.
Directed by: Tim Cruz
Written by: Tim Cruz and Blake Rutledge
Starring: Christina Masterson, Brytni Sarpy and Robert Palmer Watkins
Genre: Horror / Thriller / Mystery
Category: Serial Killer / Slasher
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Alonzo B. Slater
- Blake Rutledge
- Brian McGovern
- Brittany Underwood
- Brytni Sarpy
- Carrie Alexander
- Christina Masterson
- Hailey Rutledge
- Josh Server
- Kyla Nova
- Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja
- Marc Fajardo
- Robert Adamson
- Robert Palmer Watkins
- Roger Howarth
- Sarah-Nicole Robles
- Savanna Gann
- Taylor Foster
- Cartel Pictures
- Tubi
Where Available:
Official Trailer:
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