The Ghost Lights (2022)


The Ghost Lights (2022) PosterThe Ghost Lights (2022) PosterSynopsis: After her father’s death, a journalist returns home and stumbles upon a cryptic cassette tape that unveils chilling accounts of eerie disappearances and unearthly lights haunting the West Texas skies. Haunted by grief and driven by a desperate need to reconnect with her father’s legacy, she sets off on a perilous cross-state road trip. With every mile, she plunges deeper into a web of secrets and dangers, determined to unravel the truth behind these otherworldly mysteries.

Directed by: Timothy Stevens

Written by: Timothy Stevens

Starring: Billy Blair, Katreeva Phillips and John Francis McCullagh

Genre: Horror / Science Fiction

Category: Supernatural

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Billy Blair
  • John Francis McCullagh
  • Katreeva Phillips
  • Madison Calhoun
  • Ryan Bijan
  • Timothy Stevens


  • Spectrograph Films


  • Terror Films


Official Trailer:

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