Synopsis: Levi, a dedicated British expat diver, has spent his life relentlessly pursuing the legendary wreck of the USS Charlotte. Joined by Noah, a sharp and resourceful US college graduate, the two may have just made a breakthrough in pinpointing the elusive ship’s location. When Noah’s college friends arrive, the crew grows stronger, ready to confront the mysteries of the deep. However, as they delve into the shadowy confines of the USS Charlotte, their adventure turns perilous. With air running dangerously low, they come to a terrifying realization: their depleting oxygen is only the beginning of their nightmare.
Directed by: Joachim Hedén
Written by: Andrew Prendergast and Nick Saltrese
Starring: Kim Spearman, Jack Parr and Julian Sands
Genre: Horror / Thriller
Category: Creature & Monster / Shark / Survival
Country: United Kingdom / Sweden
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Alexander Arnold
- Arlo Carter
- Erin Mullen
- Jack Parr
- Julian Sands
- Kim Spearman
- Maxime Durand
- William Erazo Fernández
- Anamorphic Media
- Filmgate Films
- Freebie Films
- Picaro Films
- RLJE Films
Where Available:
Official Trailer:
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