The Longest Night (2020)


The Longest Night (2020) PosterSynopsis: Inspired by true events, this gripping narrative unveils the chilling tale of Argentina’s most infamous serial rapist, whose reign of terror haunted the college city of Córdoba for nearly two decades. Between 1985 and 2004, over 93 women fell victim to his heinous crimes. Yet, behind the mask of a devoted husband and father, he skillfully concealed his monstrous double life, evading justice while living among his unsuspecting neighbors. This story delves into the depths of his deception, the lives he shattered, and the relentless pursuit of those who sought to bring him to justice.

Directed by: Moroco Colman

Written by: Moroco Colman

Starring: Daniel Aráoz, Camila Murias and Sabrina Nuñez

Genre: Horror / Crime / Thriller / Drama

Category: Foreign / Psychological

Country: Argentina

Language: Spanish

Original Title: La Noche Más Larga

Main Cast:

  • Adrián Azaceta
  • Camila Murias
  • Carolina Godoy
  • Constanza Villarruel
  • Daniel Aráoz
  • Eduardo Ferreyra
  • Fernando Listello
  • Ignacio Pedrone
  • Javier Aguirre
  • Jose Manuel Solis Vargas
  • Juan Ignacio Croce
  • Juan José Badra
  • Paula Halaban
  • Rocío Figueroa Sobrero
  • Romina Arietti
  • Sabrina Nuñez
  • Sofia Bono Prado
  • Vanina Bonelli


  • Instituto Nacional De Cine Y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA)
  • Más Allá Productora
  • Polo Audiovisual Córdoba


  • Breaking Glass Pictures

Official Trailer:

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Critics’ Reviews:

  • Not yet available

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