The Slaughterhouse Killer (2020)


Synopsis: With a relentless hunger for slaughter, Box reigns over the local abattoir, indulging his primal urges amidst rivers of crimson. When Nathan, a fresh-faced parolee, lands in town, Box becomes his reluctant mentor, guiding him into a world where bloodlust is king. As their blades dance in harmony with death, a sinister camaraderie blooms between them, forged in the crucible of murder. Bound by their insatiable thirst for carnage, they weave a web of darkness that ensnares all in their path, spelling doom for the unsuspecting townsfolk.

Directed by: Sam Curtain

Written by: Sam Curtain and Benjamin Clarke

Starring: Craig Ingham, James Mason and Kristen Condon

Genre: Horror

Category: Serial Killer / Slasher

Country: Australia

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Allix Izbicki
  • Andrew Casey
  • Andrew Taylor
  • Ashtyn Sone
  • Benny Blake
  • Breanna Geer
  • Craig Ingham
  • Damian Bourke
  • David Curtain
  • Dean Kirkright
  • Dot Millhouse
  • James Mason
  • Joanne Barwick
  • John McGregor
  • Kristen Condon
  • Libby Jessup
  • Samantha James-Radford
  • Steven Jones


  • Black Mandala
  • Stud Ranch


  • Breaking Glass Pictures


Official Trailer:

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