Synopsis: Ben and his wife Jules are in for a surprise when they inherit an abandoned coastal property that Ben’s recently deceased mother never told them about. Untouched for 40 years the house looms like an eerie relic over land which includes a stunning private cove and beach. The beauty and tranquility of the place leave the family with the nagging question: why was this property kept a secret for so long? While Jules rummages through the house looking for answers, Ben goes to repair the buried water tank, not knowing that in doing so he is unleashing a long-dormant creature that terrorized the entire region, including his own ancestors for generations.
Directed by: Scott Walker
Written by: Scott Walker
Starring: Luciane Buchanan, Matt Whelan and Zara Nausbaum
Genre: Horror / Thriller
Category: Creature Feature
Country: New Zealand
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Ascia Maybury
- Coco White
- Francesca Eglinton
- Graham Vincent
- Holly Shervey
- Jack Barry
- Jatinder Singh
- Jaya Beach-Robertson
- Luciane Buchanan
- Mark Mitchinson
- Matt Whelan
- Regina Hegemann
- Zara Nausbaum
- Ajax Pictures
- General Film Corporation
- Happy Dog Entertainment
- Ingenious Media
- Well Go USA Entertainment
Official Trailer: