This Never Happened (2024)


This Never Happened (2024) PosterSynopsis: For a group of childhood friends with a dark secret, a weekend together turns deadly when one of them becomes possessed by a vengeful spirit intent on revenge.

Directed by: Ted Campbell

Written by: Ted Campbell and Richard Pierce

Starring: María José De La Cruz, Javier Dulzaides and Conny Cambambia

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Category: Supernatural

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Ana Laura Espinosa
  • Andrea Noli
  • Conny Cambambia
  • Gonzalo Zulueta
  • Javier Dulzaides
  • Juana Serrano
  • María José De La Cruz
  • Vanesa Burciaga


  • Amazing films
  • Elefantec Global
  • MarVista Entertainment


  • Tubi TV

Release Date:

  • April 26, 2024

Official Trailer:

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