Synopsis: After meeting on a social media app for a first date, Max and Avery’s evening takes a perilous turn when they end up at a local haunted house, the home of Rotcreep, a sinister creature that rots your body and soul with one touch. As the night turns into a deadly game of cat and mouse Max and Avery begin to realize the trauma they share may either save them or erupt into an unforgettable nightmare.
Directed by: Robert Rippberger
Written by: Spencer Moleda, Aaron Pollack and Robert Rippberger
Starring: Booboo Stewart, Scarlett Sperduto and Nils Allen Stewart
Genre: Horror / Thriller
Country: United States
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Alexis Curtiss
- Beau Elliott
- Booboo Stewart
- Brandon Leonard
- Bryson JonSteele
- Connor McKinley Griffin
- Dante Yatel Narvaez
- Daryl Anisfeld
- Devin Keaton
- Ethan Wieland
- Grant Morningstar
- Josh Bradshaw
- Kim Smith
- Michael Holub
- Nancy Harding
- Nils Allen Stewart
- Scarlett Sperduto
- Yash Gajera
- SIE Films
- Argentic Productions
- Slated
- Sandeep Sekhar Films
- VMI Releasing
Official Trailer: