Synopsis: After the harrowing nightmare of a school trip that left her students and fellow teachers brutally slain, Sammy, the sole survivor, reluctantly returns to work, haunted by the memories she wishes she could forget. As she navigates the eerily quiet hallways, the echo of her footsteps is interrupted by unsettling noises – whispers that seem to slither through the walls, shadows that move just beyond her sight. The feeling of being watched grows stronger with each passing hour, a cold dread settling into her bones. However, it isn’t until she hears the familiar, ominous knocking at the classroom door – the same knock that preceded the bloodshed – that she realizes her nightmare was never truly over. The terror has followed her back, and this time, there’s no escape.
Directed by: Louisa Warren
Written by: Ben Daly
Starring: Paula Coiz Samantha Cull and Patricia Mañas
Genre: Horror
Category: Slasher / Supernatural
Country: United Kingdom
Language: English
Original Title: Toothfairy 5
Main Cast:
- Bao Tieu
- Chris Cordell
- Danielle Scott
- Kate Sandison
- Meg Matthews
- Patricia Mañas
- Paula Coiz
- Samantha Cull
- Stephen Staley
- Zuza Tehanu
- ChampDog Films
- ITN Distribution
Where Available:
Official Trailer:
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