Voice Of Shadows (2023)


Voice Of Shadows (2023) PosterSynopsis: A young working class woman stands to inherit an estate if she and her boyfriend abide by a set of bizarre stipulations.

Directed by: Nick Bain

Written by: Nick Bain

Starring: Guillermo Blanco, Corrinne Mica and María José Vargas Agudelo

Genre: Horror

Category: Supernatural

Country: United States

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Bee Vang
  • Betti Battocletti
  • Corrinne Mica
  • Guillermo Blanco
  • Jane Hammill
  • Kevin Lokey
  • Martin Harris
  • María José Vargas Agudelo
  • Michael Paul Levin
  • Sean R Jr. Soukkala


  • Ark Entertainment
  • G57 Films
  • Stone Fox Productions


  • To be announced

Release Date:

  • To be confirmed

Official Trailer:

  • Not yet available

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