Welcome Week: A College Horror Anthology (2024)


Welcome Week A College Horror Anthology (2024) PosterSynopsis: After their plans for a frat party are violently disrupted by a relentless masked killer, Andrew and his hapless roommate Josh embark on a perilous journey across their treacherous campus to rescue their kidnapped friend. As they navigate the shadowy corridors and eerie grounds, Andrew unveils chilling stories from his family’s dark past, each tale more terrifying than the last. With every step they take, the duo edges closer to unmasking the killer’s sinister secret, plunging them deeper into a nightmarish reality where every corner hides a new horror.

Directed by: Blake Douglas, Ethan Gomez Zahnley, Lenny Ibarra, Gory Cory McCullough, Jack McDermott and Ryan Ranc

Written by: Blake Douglas, Lenny Ibarra, Katie Jordan, Gory Cory McCullough, Jack McDermott and Ryan Ranc

Starring: Jack Mayer, Logan Weisberg and Marcos Vega

Genre: Horror

Category: Anthology

Country: United States / United Kingdom

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Alexa Adler
  • Andrew Solari
  • Angelo Kern
  • Blake Douglas
  • Emmy Kopstein
  • Ethan Gomez Zahnley
  • Henry Tomlinson
  • Jack Mayer
  • Jack McDermott
  • Joanne Zimbler
  • Kari Houston
  • Kimberly Girkin
  • Kristin Burritt
  • Logan Weisberg
  • Marcos Vega
  • Michael Payton
  • Noah Levine
  • Rachel Sullivan
  • Reece Pasquinelli
  • Riodhna Bhreathnach
  • Shreyas Misra
  • Stacy Castiglione


  • Cory Anne Entertainment
  • Screenager Productions
  • Zomboy Productionz


  • Screenager Productions

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