Wrongful Death (2023)


Wrongful Death (2023) PosterSynopsis: Captured inside a dark strangely designed room, a bribed narcissistic journalist and a mean sinful woman learn the hardest way that the truth cannot be buried in the ground forever and that what begins quite harmlessly, ends in a cruel game of life and death.

Directed by: Vjekoslav Katusin

Written by: Vjekoslav Katusin and Miroslav Trcak

Starring: Isabella Brenza, Michael Paré and Eric Roberts

Genre: Horror / Thriller / Mystery

Category: Survival

Country: United States / Croatia

Language: English

Main Cast:

  • Ahmet Oztürk
  • Alen Borbas
  • Alessio Medas
  • Alexander Man
  • Alona Hertha
  • Eric Roberts
  • Hubertus Geller
  • Isabella Brenza
  • Jenny Paris
  • Kristijan Glavas
  • Matteo Wasescha
  • Michael Hämmerli
  • Michael Paré
  • Monique Bartnik
  • Nebojsa Lukic
  • Raquel Montes
  • Svetlana Gavrilovich
  • Vjekoslav Katusin


  • Dream Team Pictures
  • Elementree Productions
  • Redrum Entertainment


  • To be announced

Release Date:

  • December 2023

Official Teaser:

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