Synopsis: A young boy is plagued by horrific nightmares, where an ominous monster prowls in his closet, its eyes gleaming with malevolence. The darkness of night magnifies his terror, leaving him paralyzed with fear. Each time, his father arrives like a beacon of hope, bravely facing the shadows to soothe him. However, as the boy grows older, he starts to question the nature of these spectral visitors. What he discovers shatters his world: his father’s comforting presence may conceal a dark fate, and the true horror is not just the monster, but a sinister force that threatens to consume them both. As the line between nightmare and reality blurs, the boy must confront an evil that could destroy everything he holds dear.
Directed by: Guillermo Carbonell, Ben Deka, Julien Deka, Hervé Freiburger, Laura Kulik, Filipe Melo and Luciano Montes de Oca
Written by: Camilo Zaffora
Starring: Milo Webb, Agustin Olcese and Bruno Giacobbe
Genre: Horror / Thriller
Category: Anthology
Country: Argentina / New Zealand
Language: English
Main Cast:
- Aden Nokic
- Agustin Olcese
- Anne Somot
- Aubriana Clingingsmith
- Brenda Bonotto
- Bruno Giacobbe
- Dan Bronchinson
- Durant Mcleod
- Gabriela Freire
- Greg Lucey
- Ignacio Dure
- Joy Green
- Lauren Finley
- Milo Webb
- Nicole Alexandria
- Ryan Denman
- Sara Nokic
- William Frederick Knight
- Black Mandala
- Black Mandala
Where Available:
Official Trailer:
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Critics’ Reviews:
- Not yet available