Synopsis: Reeling from the sudden death of his father, Lalo is forced to start a new life after his distant grandmother takes custody of him and they move to her home in southern Mexico City. As Lalo parses through his father’s old belongings, he finds his dad’s old wristwatch. When he puts it on, the clock begins to run backward, and an ominous entity in the shape of a young girl begins to haunt him. Lalo’s grandma sends him to his dad’s former high school, where he joins the swim team and befriends Rana. Shortly after he arrives, he learns a girl from the school has recently gone missing. This leads him to reveal to Rana that he’s being tormented by a series of paranormal encounters, and that he thinks they may be connected to the missing student. Lalo must confront this unholy threat before it’s too late.
Directed by: Pavel Cantu
Written by: Pavel Cantu, Veronica Angeles Franco and Ernesto Murguía
Starring: Axel Alpuche, Regina Reynoso and Leticia Huijara
Genre: Horror / Mystery
Category: Foreign / Supernatural
Country: Mexico
Language: Spanish
Main Cast:
- Alejandro Puente
- Ana Pau Castell
- Antonio Monroy
- Axel Alpuche
- Bertha Vega
- Carmen Delgado
- César Brindis
- Clauddia Ruzi
- Claudia Maria Bermúdez
- Darío T. Pie
- Francisco Ochoa
- Leticia Huijara
- Michelle Polanco
- Regina Reynoso
- Spectrum Films
- Tubi TV
Official Trailer: